Update: Thank you everybody! Our first monument restoration campaign is complete. Currently we're mapping out kinks and a solid process to get it perfect. We'll be updating progress soon.
Thank You for your donations!
  • Happy end of year with a big $227 restoration donation completed this campaign! Thank you so much Kathie!!! 🎆❤️
  • Yes sir! All the way out of Tennessee thank you so much for the $34 restoration donation Mark!!! 🍻
  • Yay! Closing out the week chalked full of love for the cemetery. Thank you so much for the $100 donation Erma! 💞
  • You are the best Nancy! Thank you so much for the $25 donation! ❤️🎉
  • CHCA is incredibly grateful for your generous headstone donation Karen ✨ $100 ❤️
  • Michelle, CHCA's heartfelt gratitude for your generous contribution of $100. 💗💗💗
  • Derrell 👉 your donation of $54 is greatly appreciated by all of us at CHCA! 🍻
  • Breaker 1-9 we just scored a $100 donation 👉 Thank you kindly Kathie! ❤️
  • Thank you Vernon! We appreciate you!!! $50 🍻
  • Thank you kindly for the $50 donation Chuck! 👍
  • Bianca we are grateful for your $300 generous donation! ❤️
  • Much appreciated for the restoration donation $100 Dolan and congrats on your new seat!
  • Yeah buddy! Thank you for the donation Thomas 👉 $250
  • Thank you for the 👉 $100 donation Norma! CHCA ❤️s you!
  • Thank you big time for your support Mike 😉 $100!!!
  • Thank you Cheryl 👉 You are the best $100!!!
  • Thank you so much Juan $10!!!
  • Thank you for your donation Mike you rock $200!!!
  • Your support for the historic Crown Hill Cemetery is going towards repairing badly damaged headstones. We appreciate you! ❤️

Restore Pasadena's Founders

Hey there! We've got an important mission and we could use your help! We're trying to spruce up and protect these cool, historic tombstones in the Mexican Allotment at Crown Hill Cemetery here in Pasadena. Once built from a broken heart, these gems have taken a bit of a hit from mother nature and without our help, their stories could vanish. Let's come together, chip in, and reach our goal of $2000 for this fixer-upper!

Every little bit helps!

Together, we can ignite the spirit of community and breathe new life into these historic treasures. Your kind donation can really make a difference in protecting a special piece of our history. Join other wonderful folks like you and help spark a real sense of community. We're working hard to spruce up these priceless monuments, and your help would mean the world to us.
Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$2,000Raised $2,000 towards the $2,000 target.$2,000Raised $2,000 towards the $2,000 target.100%
We are excited to get this project rolling. It's an amazing chance for you to come along for the ride, make a real difference and pay tribute to the memories of Pasadena's founding citizens. Don't let this opportunity slip away! By donating today, we can join forces and bring a vibrant energy back to the heart of Crown Hill Cemetery.
Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$2,000Raised $2,000 towards the $2,000 target.$2,000Raised $2,000 towards the $2,000 target.100%
If you don't mind please share so more people are aware. Thank You!
The Crown Hill Cemetery Association is comprised of a board and several volunteers all whom volunteer 100% of their time.
Your generous donation is also 100% tax deductible 501(c)(3)
Thank You!
813 N Richey 77506